Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Plastic Easter Egg Wreath

Its been quite a while since my last post. A lot have things have happened during that time. My grandpa passed away, I have been to Toledo 3 times in the last month, & having two jobs keeps me pretty busy as well. I will post all of the crafts that I have made since my last post- today. Hopefully things have returned back to normal & I will post more often :)

I have wanted to make a plastic easter egg wreath ever since I saw one somewhere online last Easter. After looking at several tutorials, this is the one that I used to make my wreath:


I will not list out the directions again, since Cindi did a pretty good job the first time :) To make my wreath I used an old box that we had left over from moving into our house, easter grass that I already had, coordinating ribbon from our wedding, hot glue/hot glue gun, & the easter eggs were the only thing that we had to buy! My wonderful husband bought me a pack of 140 for $5 at Walgreens :) If you don't mind putting the eggs together, they are a great deal!

Some things I would change: 1) If I had picked out the eggs, I may have picked out pastal colored eggs 2) I would have liked to have a large bow on the top of the wreath, but I don't know how to make those & 3) if I picked out the grass for this project I would have picked something out that was lighter & more see through.

So, what do you think?